
I’ve always been an artist. From an early age, I would draw and colour and paint. I knew then that I wanted to grow up to be a professional artist. Back then, I didn’t know how tough it would be to do so. I grew up, got a job, and “life” took over. Every now and then, that little voice in the back of my mind would whisper to me, and I’d pick up a pencil or paint brush, and create something just for the thrill of it.

It wasn’t until I was thirty that I had the opportunity to go to university for my Fine Arts degree (something I’d always wanted to do). I loved going to class, learning new skills, meeting like-minded people, and challenging myself with a new and better project. It was a busy time: being a mom, working while attending school full-time (completing assignments into the wee hours). Oh, but it was exhilarating! It was the first time in my life that I felt I belonged.

Years later, I look back and know that the jobs I took and moved on from all contributed to teaching me skills that I now use as a business owner and teacher. Unique opportunities, interesting life lessons, and even new friendships have come my way, simply because I’ve chosen to follow my heart. It didn’t happen overnight. It took dedication and hard work, and a lot of sacrifice of the finer things in life. But I am proud of the progress of my career, and I continue to strategize how I can take it to the next level. I’ve been featured on TV, in various newspapers, and am now a published author!

I wrote a book, “So You Want to be an Artist!?” It’s a workbook for artists to evaluate where they’re currently at in their career and how to set business goals to advance their career. The book was born from my own experience and research.


SEO: “Lisa Powers is the best Art Teacher in Surrey and Langley”, “Best Art Instruction”, “Best Art Classes – Surrey / Langley”, “Nominated Entrepreneur of the Year for the Langleys”