Title: Life Media: Acrylic & Mixed Media on Canvas Size: 48″x 36″ (122 x 91 cm) This self portrait was created while I…
Finding Balance
Title: Finding Balance Series: Someday Media: Acrylic on Canvas Size: 16″x 20″ (40.6 x 17.5 cm) Every one of us has hopes…
Mesmerized & Revitalized
Title: Mesmerized & Revitalized Series: Someday Media: Acrylic on Canvas Size: 16″x 20″ (40.6 x 17.5 cm) Every one of us has…
Break Through
Title: Break Through Series: The Four Seasons Media: Acrylic & Mixed Media on Canvas Size: 16″x 20″ (40.6 x 17.5 cm) I…
Arbutus Tree 1
Title: Arbutus Tree 1 Series: Someday Media: Acrylic on Canvas Size: 16″x 20″ (40.6 x 17.5 cm) Every one of us has…
Dear Maker
Title: Dear Maker Series: The Four Seasons Media: Acrylic & Mixed Media on Canvas Size: 16″x 20″ (40.6 x 17.5 cm) As I’m…
Creation 2
Title: Creation 2 Series: Creation Series Media: Acrylic & Mixed Media on Panel Size: 18″x 24″ (45.7 x 61 cm) This series represents the…
Rock Stars
Title: Rock Stars Series: Music And The Way We Respond Media: Acrylic & Mixed Media on Hardboard Size: 48″x 36″ (122…
Standing Tall
Title: Standing Tall Series: The Four Seasons Media: Acrylic & Mixed Media on Canvas Size: 11″x 14″ (28 x 36 cm) I stand…
New Ground
Title: New Ground Series: Someday Media: Acrylic on Canvas Size: 12″x 16″ (30.5 x 40.5 cm) Every one of us has hopes…
Manifestation of Perseverance
Title: Manifestation of Perseverance Series: The Four Seasons Media: Acrylic & Mixed Media on Canvas Size: 11″x 14″ (28 x 36 cm)…